

The Ergonomics section of Human Data Corpus is an open access repository for sharing and retrieving several types of data obtained for human movement monitoring during in manual material handling activities. 

This database aims to make available kinematic, kinetic, surface electromyographic and video signals acquired to perform a biomechanical risk assessment during the execution of all the manual material handling activities including manual heavy lifting, pushing and pulling, handling low loads at high frequency, computer work and awkward body postures, e.g. overhead work.

The interest in a quantitative instrumental-based assessment of biomechanical risk, that can also be performed in real time, stems from the very high readiness of current wearable devices for human movement monitoring that are all miniaturised and wireless and since we have algorithms, signal analysis methods, and quantitative risk assessment methods based on kinetic, kinematic, and electromyographic data that have been validated by publications in international journals. 

Under these considerations, the importance to have a common scientific framework is crucial. With this as motivation, the Ergonomics section of Human Data Corpus has the goal to endow the ergonomics and robotics research community of a tool for sharing the experimental results in an efficient manner, thus enabling a direct comparison and discussion between different methods and techniques used for human movement monitoring.

Up to now, the Ergonomics section of Human Data Corpus collects data about human kinematics, kinetics and electromyography acquired during the execution of manual material handling activities, also executed with the help of HRC technologies, to perform a biomechanical risk assessment. Furthermore, the repository includes descriptions about the experimental setup, post-processing elaboration, videos, and analysis/visualization tools.